Wednesday, February 11, 2015

LOVE YOURSELF: Why you're not getting results from your training: Industry secrets to making MASSIVE long lasting change.

Wondering why you're not getting results from your training? Follow my LOVE YOURSELF series to find out my solutions to you achieving all your health and fitness aspirations.


1. Problem: Your goals are too wishy washy….  or maybe you haven't set any goals at all?? 

The result is a massive stump in your progress,  you have stagnated through lack of focus. 
This is because you haven't decided what you really want (by the way,  doing this means that you have made a decision not to want anything at all) when you want to achieve it by, you are just simply going through the motions and holding your self back from achieving your dreams.

Are you being wishy washy because you think considering your family commitments, it's too selfish to set your own hopes dreams and desires as a mother/wife daughter ? You could be a victim of not loving yourself enough, click here to find out more 

Solution: GOAL SETTING AND ACTION PLAN: All of your planning towards your specific goals start with a thorough goal setting session preferably with your coach/trainer. Once you have ascertained your specific goals, your effort required in each of these training session forms part of your plan and allows you to stay focussed thus,  enabling you to achieve high quality results. So in essence;  if you don't have a goal you won't have a back bone for your training and therefore your results will definitely be lagging. My number one tip for you is to take HUGE INTEREST in your goals and yourself, after all you deserve the best!. If you don't take an interest by 100% then don't expect to accomplish your goal by 100%. 

During your goal setting session, you should 

1. Decide what it is that you are going to accomplish and write it down.                               I ask my clients precisely what their three main priority goals are. Remembering if it doesn't scare you even slightly then its probably not going to do much to your health and fitness so take the plunge! What do you really want from your training? (note I have emphasised WHAT DO YOU). Open up your own emotions as much as possible during your goal setting, what do you want for you? (do not prioritise your partners wishes or friends/family pressures over your own, you are doing this for you). Prioritising for yourself is essential part of being specific and allows you to cohere with the plan. With your own desires at the forefront of your goal setting,  will allow you to train with your true passion and encourage you to adhere to the plan when you have a hard day, and you want to give it all up.  By the way, Its perfectly normal to have days here and there, where you get frustrated and want to throw the towel in, this is where your goals give you the inspiration to stay on track.  If you start throwing a tantrum, you or your coach  then reiterate your goals again to keep you on track. 

2. Another essential question formulating great goal setting and results getting is: What are the reasons's WHY you want to achieve your goals? Why do you want this specific goal? Connecting reasoning behind each specific goal is an essential driving force behind the energy that you give to your training program and is directly related to the quality of results. The devil is definitely in the detail, so dive into this component as much as you possibly can because this this is a really important part of you sticking with your training plan and getting your results, make sure you write all the detailed information down next to your goal. What do you desire from your training? And WHY? What you want to avoid again is being wishy washy with your answers as this can lead to wishy washy results in the long term. 

For example My client says: I want to drop 10kgs'. 

I say: "Great! Why do you want to drop 10kg?"

My client says " I want to look good on the beach in my bikini"
(Now this answer is merely skimming the surface, but its a great start)

So i say…. "So why is it so important for you to look good on the beach anyway? How will that improve your life ?" (trying to dig a little deeper to get her real why)

She says " it will make me feel better and more confident about going to the beach with my kids, without getting embarrassed about the size of my thighs and having to cover up or avoid going down to the beach altogether, I will be able to enjoy being with my kids more" 

So as you can see from the above example, you might start off thinking you need to lose 10kg but in fact what you want is to shape up your thighs, also you are linking emotion to the problem and visualising where you need to go by applying a motive. 

So in summary to help you dig in deeper to WHY'S of your goal: Typical example questions I might ask my clients are: 

  • Why is being a size 10 so important for you anyway?  
  • What will losing the belly fat/toning the legs/losing 5kg  allow you to feel/see in your life that you are not feeling/seeing now? This creates a real visual picture in your mind and as a results enables you to create an emotional connection to your goal.
 3. Once you have established your three main goals and connected reasoning behind every goal, set a date for which you will accomplish it. Be as specific as possible.   Don't just say, "I want this as a lifestyle so i don't mind when i achieve my goal". Although its great that this answer shows the client really wants to keep the results they achieve from their training and nutrition  When clients say this to me i scream in my head "WHAT? You mean in five years time you STILL don't mind that you haven't yet achieved your goal???" Indecision on timeframe, suggests that you have made the choice not to achieve your goal. So be confident with this answer as well as realistic, although it would be awesome, obviously you can't achieve big goals in 2hours, so keep that in mind. Your level of commitment will effect your time frame. How may hours per week can you dedicate to your training, nutrition and healthy lifestyle considering your work and family commitments?  

4. How committed are you to achieving each of your 3 goals?  Anything less than 100% signals danger to me and as your trainer,  I would be asking what i could do to get your level of commitment up to 100%. If you still didn't know I would be worried about how strong your desire is really to achieving your results and question whether it would be right for you to be investing in your training because i believe it takes 100% commitment,  no matter what. This also can often be the results of setting goals that are relevant to loved ones and that are not necessarily your own, so have a re-visit to your initial goals if this is the case and see if you can think of something that's going to fire you up a bit more.  

Now you and/or your can begin to make massive determined action by formulating an action plan that specifically aligns with your goals. This is coming up next, so stay tuned strong women!


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