Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reasons why you're not getting results from your training: Industry secrets to making MASSIVE long lasting change. (REASON #2/5) LOVE YOURSELF SERIES

2. The second problem is:  you have made a PAN instead of a PLAN, leading to lack of, or NO progress, resulting in demotivated you!

Yes! That's right! You have made a PAN but not a PLAN. You have identified your points of
Pain (goals), you have thought about what Action steps you need to take, but you have Not made a plan that is specific, detailed and personalised towards your goals, therefore your progress towards your health and fitness goals has stagnated or remained at the goal setting stage (i.e  you have not made progress)This means that, although you have great intentions of achieving your results,  and you really do want them, unfortunately because you lack the direction, (i.e;you have not made a PLAN), you lack focus and this is very dangerous territory to be treading through,  because the lack of planning leaks momentum and drive from every single set,  every single rep, every single training session that you complete. Lack of planning means that,  instead of going to your training session with iPod on, scowl on face, tearing your way through your training session, you wing it, and you unintentionally don't work as hard. In the long term not surprisingly this makes you feel really demotivated,  from the lack of progress compared to the hard efforts, you are making, so you feel like you're back to square one on a weekly basis. 

Another massive blunder concerning poor planning is poor nutritional planning. Your training is brilliant, you have followed your program to a T, you're training hard,  yet you are still not making any progress? Guaranteed the number one reason why you are not losing body fat and getting your body tighter via muscle gain is largely to do with your current nutritional regime. You haven't planned your nutrition so you get home from having completed an awesome training session at the gym and realise you haven't been shopping yet, and therefore the only thing that's available in the freezer is is the ice-cream,  you're starving so you eat it anyway…..recipe for disaster.

The solution is to LOVE yourself, keep your focus by make a PERSONALISED PROGRESSIVE PLAN 

What is a PLAN?

A plan is Identifying the Pain/problem, Looking for the solution, create a specific Action plan according to the solution, and take the Necessary, appropriate, specific steps of action!

The point is here that,  you need to identify the solutions to your problems and then plan in accordance to your time frame and goals then take massive determined action- essentially this leads you into a highly motivated state which creates high performance and awesome results. 



If you are serious about achieving your goals then you need to get some serious planning
done ASAP. A good coach will help you devise a periodisation protocol, which is a trai
ning program with macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles in accordance to your goals and will consider your desired timeframe to enable achievement of your goals precisely within your timeframe. Periodisation considers the fact that you should build and systemise your training through a specific course and recognises that your body will require a training stimulus to adapt through varying the magnitude of volume and intensity to reflect  the peaks and troughs of stimulus Vs adaptation. Periodisation planning is an essential part of any successful training program that involves transformation of body and performance. This type of plan will span over your long term goal time frame (Macrocycle) which then involves a system of focussed periods of training lasting around 6-8 weeks (Mesocycles) plus weekly and daily programs which will plan in each individual training program (microcycle). Following this type of protocol,  will keep you absolutely focussed, motivated and on track for achieving your goals. WHY? Because you will go into each training session knowing exactly what you need to do, so you enter each training session, like terminator woman on a muscle mission. Now you have your plan, you have focus, instead of being directionless, you are able to complete your  session sweating buckets and successfully leave the gym having;  no interruptions, no chit chatting, just pure 100% effort in your work and great results at the other side reflecting your all your precise planning and hard work. The monumental effects of planning are seriously motivating and that motivation can only lead to great things. Also systemising your training in this way is totally essential so that you make significant progress, by providing just the right amount of training stimulus to create your desired results.  This type of periodised planing enables you and your coach to factor in your recovery sessions. Recovery sessions are absolutely essential, as it allows your body to adapt to your Varying your training will prevent you from doing the same training sessions over and over leading to stagnation of progression due to over/under training. 

If there are any parents out there reading this, we all know that kids can potentially put a spanner in the works to our 'original training plan;.  The truth is,  you just have to be ready for the potential spanner to come at you flying and adapt accordingly. A great idea is when your kids are around try to involve them within your training session, they LOVE being a part of
what you do,  they were born to run around wildly, so absolutely will enjoy every second of exercising with you. If you are involving your kids,  you are being such a strong role model for them, Im a complete advocate.  You might want to consider switch your lighter training days to when your kids are around and when you have an hour or so free,  for yourself that's when you may want to partake in your heavier training sessions. For all the mothers out there, losing baby weight is often a worry and cause for low levels of self esteem. Planning your training around your baby can be particularly challenging. I have designed this article here especially for you. Are you struggling to lose your post baby weight? Check out my article on this topic here to find out more on how to lose your baby body. Also for the women out there reading this article, there is plenty of evidence which suggests that you need to be factoring your training and nutrition around the effects of your hormones within your monthly cycle,  in order to achieve the best results. This should form a massive part of the plan to maximise fat loss, body tightening, and athletic performance. Click here for my tips on how you can do this. 

Above ALL things, make sure you schedule according to your own realistic schedule. All very well going into your plan scheduling 7 days a week training because you want to achieve your goals quickly,  but only do this if this is realistic for your lifestyle, otherwise you may find that you fall at the first hurdle, which defeats the whole purpose of the wise planning.  

Your training and nutrition will go hand in hand with your goals. You definitely need to be make a concerted effort therefore, to plan your nourishment (nutrition) which surrounds your health and fitness goals in order to achieve the best results. If you haven't got time to plan your nutrition then I would suggest that you haven't got time to achieve your goals. Take that excuse away, you deserve better than that! I don't want you to think I take this area lightly, I have plenty of detailed information regarding optimising your nutrition planning and training, in my FREE macronutrient guide, I highly recommend that you download it here. My quick tips are: Make a menu for the up and coming week which reflects the intensity and type of your training sessions plus where you are in your monthly cycle, then base your shopping list upon on your menu. Prepare as many meals in advance that suits the business of your week, so that you avoid splurging when you are short on time. If you are going to have a cheat meal, plan this cheat meal into your week. If you are confused about how to integrate optimum nutrition for your training,  click here for my free macronutrient guide. This will give you a massive,  yet super simple insight  about how to eat properly in relation to your training.

In summary

  • Formulate a specific PLAN that takes into account your goals and timeframe towards those goals. Ask a coach to help you to formulate this plan, it will be worth the investment as you will get much better faster results this way. 
  • Periodise you program to help you to progress and prevent over training
  • Involve your family within your fitness regime, they love to be a part of it and this can be really motivating
  • Plan your nutrition and training around the hormone fluctuations that come as part of your monthly cycle AKA period.
  • REMEMBER to plan your nutrition,  this forms a massive part of your transformation
  • Pick something that works for you, and YOUR schedule,  that way you are more likely to stick to it. 

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