Monday, August 10, 2009


Unless you have knee injuries the best thing to do is YES! A full squat MEANS Get your butt right the way down to ankles-Please maintain a long spine. Easier said than done...but then again the reason that it works is that it is really tough however the benefits are amazing.

Please don't be afraid to drop down a little lower and drive to the top using every leg muscle- the sense of achievement far outwweighs the pain.

Do me a favour - the next time you are ever adjacent to a fellow gym goer with a BIG stack of weights on doing some kind of little 20 degree knee nudge that they call a squat- (ha! please!) give them a wink (especially if they are with their Personal trainer) and bloody show them how it's done!

That's all from me for this week- see you training hard in the gym!


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