Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year New YOU.

Well 2009 is coming to an end now- all the bad stuff we can wash away and all the good stuff we should be embracing and remembering as this will keep our focus in 2010

Although we must remember our mistakes we shouldn't dwell on it too much because all our results will speak from our minds first-TH ATS RIGHT- Mind over matter.

Don't over look how powerful it can be just to imagine yourself where you want to be, how you want to feel, and how you want to look--be true to your potential always!!

If you can pick a date on when you want to see those final touches this really aids the process as you are already being more specific to your goals and this is needed for a periodisation planner which athletes use to peak in competition periods.

To find out more about periodisation planners please ask me-- I will be happy to explain and do for you as I have been trained in this during my masters degree in sports science this year.

Enjoy your night NY 2009-10 and lets embrace the old and bring in the best for 2010.


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