Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Are you BUSTING your ass in the gym yet getting zero progression? Find out WHY!




Want to look like A but looking more like B? You may be literally training your ass off doing too MUCH cardio and not enough programmed heavy resistance training! Yes! Damn sure,  you’re training really hard, (and possibly craving sugar every spectrum of the day from doing so, )and you’re still looking like B, going around in a vicous circle..Very frustrating....Sound familiar?

Then you need to read on.....
Consider your current training SYSTEM. What i am referring to here is what type of exercise you do and how often you do it. Often people get stuck thinking they need to do more cardio, to get leaner, and stronger, when in fact there is a much better way to train to achieve faster, more effective and more long lasting results for better body composition (reduced fat and increased muscle), with exactly the same time dedicated to your training. I will try simplify my point, by giving you an example: 
Two main types of exercises that most of us do:
1. Cycle class/ run/aerobic based acitvity = fat oxidation (burns fat)
2. Resistance based training = muscle strength and hypertrophy (builds and strengthens lean body mass , plus increases whole body metabolism short term and long term)
EXAMPLE: Imagine a set of twins, Fauna and; Mary both very healthy and fit with the following current training routines. Fauna and Mary have exactly the same frequency of training sessions per week, follow exactly the same nutritional routine, yet they using different training modalities to achieve their goal, as per below: 

  • Mary: 3 x Spin, 2 x run plus 2 x weights session per week
  • Fauna: 2 x Spin 1 x run and 4 x weight training session per week

The twins both partake in a spin class today, they work just as hard as one another, both get a great sweat up, yet Fauna oxidises more fat and not to mention achieves an increased overall calorific burn than Mary, both during and for more hours than Mary, after their training session ceased. But surely because Mary does more 'cardio' she should get better results than Mary. Not exactly! But why? This is because Fauna partakes in more resistance training per week which increases her metabolism; that is her ability to burn more fuel per unit of energy.

This means that from that one spin class, if their goal they would have been to achieve better body composition, then you'd probably prefer to be following Fauna's routine, rather than Mary's.

If you look at a cyclist or endurance runner (AKA BOTTOM B) V’s a cross fit athlete (AKA BOTTOM A)- the results become even more obvious. OK extreme example...... but you get my point. Right?

Are you Fauna or are you Mary? If you are Mary and you want to achieve a stronger leaner physique in 2016- You are probably asking: How could this be fair? When you put so much effort into your cardiovascular training? How can I change this so i start seeing better results (you ask!) 

IT'S ALL ABOUT YOUR APPLIED SYSTEM: So if your goal is to become leaner and stronger this year, then you need to look systemising your training SPECIFICALLY around your goal, in order to achieve RESULTS from your hard efforts. for example: increasing the volume of your resistance training Vs your cardiovascular training plus adding structure to your programming, in order to get better results from your cardiovascular training.

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